The pursuit of new knowledge at Washington University in St. Louis begins even before students enter college and continues at every level through postdoctoral training.
Virtually all faculty members engage in important research activities, including scholarly and creative endeavors that complement their strong commitment to teaching. These activities contribute to a mentoring environment in which undergraduates and graduate students may work alongside their professors on new discoveries and new understandings.
Washington University Office of Undergraduate Research
The purpose of this office is to promote and facilitate research by undergraduate students. Research-the creation of new knowledge, is fundamental to the mission of the university. Likewise the education of undergraduates is fundamental to the mission: the learning opportunity in research is the experience of intellectual inquiry.
The College of Arts & Sciences facilitates undergraduate research by maintaining a knowledge base of available opportunities, uniting students with mentors and assisting with funding. It promotes undergraduate research by sponsoring forums for presentations and informing the community of these activities.
Visit the Office of Undergraduate Research
Research in Arts & Sciences
One of the distinguishing characteristics of a great university is its ability to contribute new knowledge through research. The faculty of Arts & Sciences are frequently recognized around the world for their research leadership. In addition to faculty, both graduate and undergraduate students are critical to research and often play a hands-on role in major projects.
Center for Experiential Learning, Olin Business School
Through courses offered by the Center for Experiential Learning, students apply their academic work and managerial insight to business challenges. Organizations benefit from leading-edge practices and strategic management solutions as Olin students demonstrate their talent, skills and value in a real-time business context. Active faculty supervision ensures a rich learning experience and powerful results.
Visit the Center for Experiential Learning
School of Medicine Postdoctoral Research
The Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis is committed to excellence in research and education, and recognizes that postdoctoral appointees make a critical contribution to the university’s overall research mission through the generation of new ideas, sharing of research knowledge and the publication of research results.
School of Medicine Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Career Development Program
The scale and complexity of today’s biomedical research problems increasingly demand that scientists move beyond the confines of their own discipline and explore new organizational models. The center’s approach brings together numerous experts from diverse disciplines to collectively address a complex problem, with each expert addressing the issues from the perspective of his or her own discipline.
Visit the Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Career Development Program
Design Connection
Design Connection focuses on teaching high school students to use the principles of communication design to solve problems. The partnership was created between the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts and University City High School.
The emphasis is on helping the students develop communications skills, explore areas of specialization suited to their particular interests and skills and understand a wide range of audiences. Under the supervision of faculty and program organizers, undergraduate students develop curricula and teach selected communication design projects to classes of high school students. Lesson plans encompass learning about communication, visual form, methodology and technology.