News and Publications

Washington University in St. Louis is a community filled with compelling stories of campus life, discoveries and accomplishments.

Experience the WashU story for yourself through the news and publications produced by the university.

The Source
The Source is a place for news and stories about research, scholarship and creativity at Washington University.

Washington University in St. Louis’ official communication to faculty, staff and students on both the Danforth and Medical Campuses.

Washington Magazine
A magazine for alumni and friends of Washington University.

Washington University Annual Report
The annual report describes some of the events and accomplishments that have contributed to Washington University’s progress.

A&S Magazine
An annual magazine for the alumni and friends of Arts & Sciences at Washington University.

Belles Lettres
A literary review published until 2012 by the Center for the Humanities.

Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics Newsletter
A biannual newsletter from the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics.

Community Impact Study
A report illustrating Washington University’s contributions to St. Louis’ education, health, public service, culture and economy, as well as the relationships that are evolving with St. Louis, its people and its institutions.

Common Reader
A “journal of the essay,” The Common Reader aims to deliver the best in reviews, articles and creative nonfiction engaging the essential debates and issues of our time.

Communications Guidelines
For all members of the WashU community, these resources set the style and tone for your messaging and also include the university’s visual brand standards.

Engineering Momentum Magazine & Engineering News
Engineering Momentum is published annually by the McKelvey School of Engineering. Distributed monthly during fall and spring semesters, Engineering News is designed to inform engineering students, faculty, staff and alumni.

Faculty Experts Directory
An online database in which you can search for faculty experts by name and expertise.

Hold That Thought
A weekly podcast series produced by Arts & Sciences that aims to bring academic inquiry to a broader audience, with the unifying concept of exploring the many ways that researchers tackle issues affecting individuals, societies and our worldwide community.

Olin Business Magazine
An annual magazine featuring the research and activities of the Olin School of Business community from students and faculty to alumni and friends.

Olin News
An online magazine from the Olin School of Business.

Outlook Magazine
A magazine for alumni and friends of the School of Medicine.

@ Washington University in St. Louis
A monthly newsletter prepared by Alumni & Development Programs to provide a summary of what is happening at the university.

Physics Newsletter
An annual newsletter for alumni, students and friends of the Department of Physics in Arts & Sciences.

Religion & Politics
Religion & Politics is an online news journal and a project of the John C. Danforth Center on Religion & Politics at Washington University in St. Louis.

Research News
A newsletter designed for the Washington University research community to stay informed about current topics and issues related to research administration, management, compliance, and funding opportunities.

School of Law Magazine
The biannual School of Law publication, published through Summer 2013.

The School of Law newsletter, SideBAR, is a biannual supplement to the magazine, published through Summer 2013.

The Spirit of Washington University
The Spirit is produced three times a year by University Advancement for donors and friends of the university. The newsletter highlights the impact of major gifts on the university and how these gifts, in turn, benefit society.

Washington University Undergraduate Research Digest (WUURD)
From 2005 the Office of Undergraduate Research has published the Washington University Undergraduate Research Digest (WUURD) in the fall and the spring. A scholarly journal with peer-reviewed feature articles as well as abstracts, the WUURD highlights research by Washington University students in language that is accessible to a broad audience.

Washington University Senior Honors Thesis Abstracts (WUSHTA)
Since 2009 the Office of Undergraduate Research has published Washington University Senior Honors Thesis Abstracts (WUSHTA) to coincide with the university’s Commencement. All seniors receiving academic honors in any school or department may submit an abstract of their honors thesis or capstone research project for publication.

Student Media

The Hatchet
Archives of the Washington University yearbook going back to 1902 are offered online by the University Archives.

Law Review
The Washington University Law Review is a student-run academic journal that publishes articles from legal scholars, practitioners and students.

Washington University Political Review
The Washington University Political Review is the nonpartisan student political publication. Its purpose is to foster awareness of political issues on campus.

Student Life
Student Life is an independent student publication that provides the campus community with news and events information.

Spires is an intercollegiate arts and literary magazine.

Student Electronic Media

Washington University Radio, 90.3 FM.

Washington University Television is the official closed-circuit campus television station.

Assistance for Brand Standards, Logo Policies and Use

University Marketing & Communications
The trademark licensing program protects Washington University’s registered trademarks and goodwill and supports fair treatment of workers across the globe. Washington University’s globally recognized and respected brand must be displayed properly, and presented in specific dimensions and in specific ways. Please visit for questions concerning university logos, symbols and marks, and the guidelines for their use. University Marketing & Communications offers a variety of resources to assist your communication efforts.