George F. McMillen Laboratory

The George F. McMillen Laboratory was begun in 1968 and completed in 1969. Joining McMillen Lab to Bryan Hall is Millstone Lounge.

George F. McMillen

The building is named for George F. McMillen, who was born and schooled in Kansas. He served as an executive for Ralston Purina Company for 25 years until he retired. He was a member of the advisory board for the Salvation Army and was a member of the Missouri Athletic Club and Bellerive Country Club. Among his gifts to the Salvation Army were a pool and bath house for the Army’s Camp Mihaska at Bourbon, Missouri. He also had an active interest in the education of youth, and careers in natural and physical sciences, as well as engineering.

He gave generously to Washington University’s Department of Student Aid to establish the George F. McMillen Student Loan Fund, and in 1967, he gave another gift to build a new chemistry building, McMillen Lab.